6.3 Collaboration in roading

Local government: Results of the 2005/06 audits.

Transit New Zealand and three local authorities have entered into different types of collaborative agreement:

  • Transit has delegated authority for managing state highways in the Rotorua District to Rotorua District Council, with some limitations.
  • Marlborough District Council has agreed that Transit New Zealand will manage local roads on its behalf, and a local Transit New Zealand office called "Marlborough Roads" manages local roads and state highways in the district.
  • Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Transit New Zealand have jointly let a 10-year performance-based contract for maintaining local roads and state highways in the district.

Our separate report1 assesses how well these agreements are functioning, and what benefits they are bringing to management of local roads and state highways.

Our report covers other agreements that have been proposed but have not proceeded. We identified lessons from the three agreements that are in place and those that have been proposed but have not proceeded, which Transit New Zealand and other local authorities should find useful when considering opportunities for collaboration in future.

1: Assessing arrangements for jointly maintaining state highways and local roads, ISBN 0-478-18183-3.

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