Note 21: Explanation of transition to NZ IFRS

Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2008.

The Office’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2008 are the first financial statements that comply with NZ IFRS. The Office has applied NZ IFRS 1: First-time Adoption of New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards in preparing these financial statements.

The Office’s transition date is 1 July 2006. The Office prepared its opening NZ IFRS balance sheet at that date. The reporting date of these financial statements is 30 June 2008. The Office’s NZ IFRS adoption date is 1 July 2007.

Note Previous NZ GAAP 1 July 2006 Effect on transition to NZ IFRS 1 July 2006 NZ IFRS 1 July 2006 Previous NZ GAAP 30 June 2007 Effect on transition to NZ IFRS 30 June 2007 NZ IFRS 30 June 2007

$000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
2,992 0 2,992 3,844 0 3,844
362 0 362 389 0 389
Work in progress
1,378 0 1,378 1,525 0 1,525
Trade receivables
3,510 0 3,510 4,103 0 4,103
Total current assets
8,242 0 8,242 9,861 0 9,861
Non-current assets
Plant and equipment a 2,505 (264) 2,241 2,389 (355) 2,034
Intangible assets a 0 264 264 0 355 355
Total non-current assets
2,505 0 2,505 2,389 0 2,389
Total assets
10,747 0 10,747 12,250 0 12,250
Current liabilities
Payables and accruals
3,613 0 3,613 5,008 0 5,008
Surplus payment to the Crown
140 0 140 469 0 469
Employee benefit liabilities b 2,951 21 2,972 2,475 65 2,540
Total current liabilities
6,704 21 6,725 7,952 65 8,017
Non-current liabilities
Employee benefit liabilities
457 0 457 712 0 712
Total non-current liabilities
457 0 457 712 0 712
Total liabilities
7,161 21 7,182 8,664 65 8,729
Net assets
3,586 (21) 3,565 3,586 (65) 3,521
Taxpayers’ funds
General funds b 3,586 (21) 3,565 3,586 (65) 3,521
Surplus for the year
0 0 0 0 0 0
Total taxpayers’ funds
3,586 (21) 3,565 3,586 (65) 3,521

a. Intangible assets - Computer software was classified as part of plant and equipment under previous NZ GAAP. The net book value of computer software reclassified as an intangible asset on transition to NZ IFRS is $264,000, and at 30 June 2007 is $355,000.

b. Sick leave - Sick leave was not recognised as a liability under previous NZ GAAP. NZ IAS 19 requires the Office to recognise employees' unused sick leave entitlement that can be carried forward at balance date, to the extent that the Office anticipates it will be used by staff to cover future absences.

Reconciliation of surplus

The following table shows the changes in the Office's surplus, resulting from the transition from previous NZ GAAP to NZ IFRS for the year ended 30 June 2007.

Note Previous NZ GAAP 30 June 2007 Effect on transition to NZ IFRS NZ IFRS
30 June 2007

$000 $000 $000
Continuing activities
Crown funding
9,335 - 9,335
Audit fees – Departments
7,781 - 7,781
Audit fees – Other
22,815 - 22,815
Income of contracted audit service providers
27,718 - 27,718
166 - 166
Gain on sale of plant and equipment
23 - 23
Total income
67,838 - 67,838
Personnel costs a 27,496 44 27,540
Operating costs
38,592 - 38,592
Depreciation and amortisation expense
1,154 - 1,154
Capital charge
267 - 267
Total expenditure
67,509 - 67,553
329 44 285

a. Sick leave liability - This represents the increase in the sick leave provision, which was not recognised under previous NZ GAAP.

Statement of cash flows

There have been no adjustments to the Statement of cash flows on transition to NZ IFRS.

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