Statement of financial position

as at 30 June 2012

Annual Report 2011/12

This statement reports total assets and liabilities. The difference between the total assets and total liabilities is called taxpayers' funds.

Explanations of significant variances against the main Estimates are detailed in Note 20.

Notes Actual
Current assets
4,283 Cash and cash equivalents 5,479 2,942 4,379
255 Prepayments 841 180 185
1,886 Work in progress 1,207 2,000 2,200
6,003 Debtors and other receivables 8 6,752 6,267 5,601
12,427 Total current assets 14,279 11,389 12,365
Non-current assets
1,304 Property, Plant and equipment 9 1,593 1,407 1,646
810 Intangible assets 10 659 886 1,280
2,114 Total non-current assets 2,252 2,293 2,926
14,541 Total assets 16,531 13,682 15,291
Current liabilities
5,047 Creditors and other payables 11 5,442 5,161 4,783
916 Repayment of surplus 12 1,449 0 0
0 Provisions 13 209 0 0
3,971 Employee entitlements 14 4,842 3,915 3,707
9,934 Total current liabilities 11,942 9,076 8,490
Non-current liabilities
586 Employee entitlements 14 568 585 580
586 Total non-current liabilities 568 585 580
10,520 Total liabilities 12,510 9,661 9,070
4,021 Net assets 4,021 4,021 6,221
Taxpayers' funds
4,021 General funds 4,021 4,021 6,221
4,021 Total taxpayers' funds 4,021 4,021 6,221

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.

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