Indicator 18: Policy involvement

Indicator 18: Number of national level organisations of older persons in government policy making decision processes
Indicator is fully reported? Not applicable.
Type of indicator Instrumental indicator Instrumental indicator
Summary and conclusion

Our approach to this indicator was to write to the public entities involved with the other Madrid indicators to ask them about how and when they consulted with organisations representing people.

They said that contact occurred:

  • through regular relationship meetings throughout the year;
  • by the NGO providing contractually required written reports;
  • through consultation case-by-case on specific topics or policy proposals; and
  • through public consultation on policy proposals (such as through written submissions and/or presentation to parliamentary select committees).

In our view, the number of organisations involved in government policy-making decision processes is less important than the quality of input into the policy.

How entities use the data To improve the quality of decision-making.

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