Indicator 2: Older persons living in urban areas

Indicator 2: Proportion of older persons living in urban areas by age, sex, and ethnicity.
Indicator is fully reported? Yes.
Type of indicator Demographic indicator Basic demographic indicator
Other relevant indicators Proportion of older persons living in rural areas by age, sex, and ethnicity
Our findings

Data on the age, sex, and ethnicity of older people living in urban and rural areas is available from Statistics New Zealand on their website or on request.

We used census data published on Statistics NZ’s website from 1996, 2001, and 2006 to report on the proportion of:

  • males and females aged 65+ who lived in urban and rural areas (see Figure 1);
  • the proportion of the total population who were aged 65+ and lived in urban and rural areas (see Figure 2); and
  • people aged 65+ who lived in each region (see Figure 3).

The 2006 data showed that:

  • 88.5% of people aged 65+ lived in urban areas (50% female and 38.5% male);
  • 6.2% of the total population were females aged 65+ living in urban areas;
  • 4.7% of the total population were males aged 65+ living in urban areas;
  • from 1996 to 2006, the proportion of people aged 65+ grew in every region except Auckland.
How entities use the data Data is used to make projections.
Entity responsible for this indicator Statistics New Zealand

Figure 1: The proportion of people aged 65+ who lived in urban and rural areas, 1996, 2001, and 2006

Figure 1: The proportion of people aged 65+ who live in urban and rural areas, 1996, 2001, and 2006 .

Source: Statistics New Zealand (2013), New Zealand: An Urban/Rural Profile Update, The data used in this report was published in 2008. The document updates and reviews the experimental classification used in the 2004 report New Zealand: An Urban/Rural Profile, using 2006 Census information.

Figure 2: The proportion of the total population who were aged 65+ and lived in urban and rural areas, 1996, 2001, and 2006

Figure 2: The proportion of the total population aged 65+ who live in urban and rural areas, 1996, 2001, and 2006.

Source: Statistics New Zealand (2013), New Zealand: An Urban/Rural Profile Update, The data used in this report was published in 2008. The document updates and reviews the experimental classification used in the 2004 report New Zealand: An Urban/Rural Profile, using 2006 Census information.

Figure 3: The proportion of people aged 65+ who lived in each region, 1996, 2001, and 2006


Source: Statistics New Zealand. Our data query using Table Builder was for Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1996, 2001, and 2006,

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