Indicator 35: Specially trained health workers

Indicator 35: Number and proportion of primary health care workers (nurses, physical therapists, district health workers, lab technicians, social workers, etc) with geriatric training
Indicator is fully reported? No
Type of indicator Instrumental indicator Instrumental indicator
Other relevant indicators NA
Our findings The Ministry of Health does not hold information on this indicator. The Nursing Council of New Zealand told us that:
  • there are 15 nurse practitioners currently registered with Older Adult in their area of practice;
  • there are 33 nurse practitioners currently registered with Primary Health Care in their area of practice; and
  • geriatric education is an integral part of the undergraduate programme for registered nurses educated in New Zealand.
We did not ask unions or professional associations for other healthcare workers about this indicator.

Please read our report on indicator 34, which is about the number and proportion of geriatricians.