Our recommendations

Accident Compensation Corporation: Using a case management approach to rehabilitation.

We recommend that the Accident Compensation Corporation:

  1. set out the standard possible treatment and rehabilitation steps for a given injury, based on scientific evidence, in the information systems that its case managers use – to ensure that all claimants in similar circumstances receive consistent and effective treatment and rehabilitation, based on proven treatment and rehabilitation pathways;
  2. strengthen the overall approach and tools that it uses to guide, monitor, review, and manage the quality of its case management services – to ensure that people consistently receive treatment and rehabilitation services of the highest practicable standard and fairness in line with the requirements of the Code of ACC Claimants' Rights;
  3. review the adequacy and appropriateness of its case management services for relatively long-term clients with complex needs who do not meet the serious injury criteria, and improve those services where necessary so that people receive the highest practicable standard of service and fairness; and
  4. more actively manage the transfer of clients between it and other public entities to reduce the potential for people to miss out on services they are entitled to and to ensure that people are appropriately prepared for transfer to another public entity.